
A skirmish rages in the hearts of many,
a soul searing battle waged hard-nosed
and to the end,
a scuffle between the many versions and
visions of ourselves that have come to pass,
and those that have not yet tasted the wind…
the age old tousle between
what your parents wanted, versus
what you thought you couldn’t be, versus
what society taught you that you wanted, versus
what you thought you should be, versus
what you thought you could be, versus
what you know you’re really meant to be…
each one has a score to settle,
and each one desperately wants a hunk
of the pie,
each wants to set their flag fluttering
at the peak, but in the end,
we have to make that climb,
and we have to decide who will set our
we have to decide who will grab our hand
when our footing slips,
or who will help to light our way when all
above and below us goes dark-
in the end, the battle is with ourselves…
once we discover what we’re really meant to
be, the battle is won..
there can only be one victor, and in the battle
between selves, one way or another, we will
come through,
and what truly wins is the acceptance of
what IS…
which is the acceptance of peace*

-G. Boston


  1. K'lee L.

    That you left such a powerful message for me on my latest post was incredible enough… but then I come here to your spot and read there words? I literally don’t know how to thank you enough for sharing this, G.. This is one musing that’s anything BUT random! Well done, brother… well done!

  2. K'lee L.

    Reblogged this on Obzervashunal and commented:
    I am once again indebted to Gary B. of ‘Musings At Random’ for daring to share words that have my eyes, mind, and heart center opened and inspired. Thank you for this gift of words, Gary.

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